Thank You, Volunteers!
Volunteers from the Arc checking in on garlic-harvesting day
Last summer, The Arc Greater Hudson Valley called and asked if we needed any help. I said yes, thinking it would be fun to have some folks help in the field for a day or two. Little did I know what a great group of cheerful, energizing and stalwart people we would get. They have come out almost every week for over a year now and chipped in with whatever needed to be done, whether it be planting, watering, carpentry, weaving, seed saving, mugwort pillow-making, wheelbarrowing, decorating… you name it. In honor of their One Year Work Anniversary, I have gathered some pictures. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you, volunteers. You make our work feel like play and lighten our days!
Saving squash seeds
Preparing garlic for planting
Preparing Mugwort-Sweet Annie bundle
Mugwort Pillow Making
Making Planters
Cheering Us Up
Honey Extracting
Tapestry Making
Fountain Consulting