The Planters & Labyrinth Thank You!

Dandelion King being crowned by helpers

An enormous thanks to all the planter builders, planter fillers, straw haulers, labyrinth weeders and burger flippers who volunteered at Lonely Worm Farm on Earth Day. We had 55 people in all: neighbors, families from our arts & agriculture program, friends from out of town, volunteers from M & T bank, Mark McEathron Contracting, Endeavor 21, Kingston Aikido and Cleary Gottlieb—such a kind and welcoming crew! Thank you, all of you, as well as those who couldn’t come and sent such good wishes.

weeding the labyrinth…making way for sun flowers.

building wheelchair accessible planters

cutting wood for the planters

filling the planters

planted planters!

Our crew!


Wild Strawberries!


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