Welcome, Thanks & Yes!
Welcome Dill and Pickle! Last week, our generous neighbors at Cloverbrooke Farm gifted us two adorable pygora goats. Their jobs will be to cheer guests and provide wool for 2025’s spinning and weaving projects. Here they are with Caitlin and Baba, enjoying a little sun.
Caitlin and Baba, our original dairy goats in the foreground, Dill and Pickle, our new pygoras in the sunlight.
And a big thank you for all who made the opening of our Felix House such a warm, happy, encouraging event. The house features an office and inventory area where I can finally get everything organized; an atrium where we can display our art; and a kitchen where we can prepare herbal goodies, make farm to table lunches and bake trays of rosemary, lavender and anise hyssop shortbreads. Three cheers to all the good people at McEathron Contracting and LWH Architecture who have poured so much talent, imagination, muscle and brains into making this a reality.
Friends and neighbors at the Open House on December 7.
And a big shout out to The Arc Greater Hudson Valley, who have made it possible for us to achieve our goal for this year: three days a week of inclusive, flexible and interesting arts and agriculture training and activities. Below, you can get a peek at our art gallery, where Jerome is posing with some of his creations. If you’d like to visit yourself, just shoot me an email.
Jerome posing with his paintings in the gallery.
And Yes! to those who have asked if we are a tax exempt organization—all donations are deductible. Our programming runs on the generosity of our donors, grants and volunteer labor. If you can chip in, every last penny will go to inclusive arts, regenerative agriculture and making our land accessible for all. You can press the green button online or send a check to Lonely Worm Farm Arts and Agriculture Programming, Inc at 71 Ruskey Ln, Hyde Park, NY 12538. Thank you and happy holidays from all of us at Lonely Worm Farm.
Jory with her woven heart.