Spotlight on the Rooster
Traditionally, January is a time of hibernation and rest; it is said that the French peasants were particularly good at curling up with each other and dozing off for months at a time. Alas, that is not the world we are in at the moment, but there is a certain sleepiness to January, a puttering around waitingness, among the humans at least. The rooster, however, does not abide by quiet. He crows and strides and mounts the hens. Here he is glaring, as I tried, and failed, to take a picture of a speckled chicken perched on a lilac branch. He has also attacked me as I brought water to the chicken coop. I attacked him right back. We puffed up our feathers and made some noise. That’s the main drama of the moment, our various spats with the rooster. But he has done a good job protecting the hens.
In other news, we are honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, rereading his speeches and tending to his vision the best that we can. And we are planning our spring planting, preparing our own seeds, as well as ordering others. Here is a picture of Jess, saving radish seeds. And our weaving projects, continued…
Jess beginning the process of separating seed and chaff
Detail from collective tapestry.
First wrapped branches hanging from the catalpa tree, along with weavers Connie, Kristin, Jeffrey and Cindy.