Tree Art
It's been a hard time for trees recently, with the temperature jumping from 5 degrees Fahrenheit to 60 in just a couple days. On one of the windless, mild days, Jason and I were in the kitchen, too immersed in computer work to hear the crash of a great old maple tree that grew near our house. Its enormous trunk had ripped from its roots. Eric and Tommy from the construction crew ran over to make sure that we–and our house–were OK. We were. The tree had fallen in the direction of the pond. Thank you, tree.
Later Jess noted that its trunk had been encircled with large stones that may have trapped water in the soil and led to the roots rotting. In any case, we were sad to see it go. As a gesture of farewell, we incorporated some of its branches into this week’s art project with the Arc.
The maple in question.
Inspired by Judith Scott and Christo & Jeanne-Claud, we wrapped the tips of branches in scraps of fabric and yarn, getting a deeper feel for the branching patterns of the twigs and the small buds at the top, and bringing splashes of color to the wintery browns. Kristen, one of our artists, spoke for the group when she remarked, “This is the first time I’ve tied string around a branch.”
Norman and his branch.
Jeffrey, pleased with his creation.
Pieces in progress. When they are finished, we will hang them as a mobile from the branches of a Catalpa tree and see what the birds make of them.